PHP Interview Questions for Experienced

I have attended many interview for collecting the interview questions in different companies including TOP MNC's. Hope this may helpful you to prepare well before going for the interview. I'm just posting only questions.

  1. Difference between rest and soap? 
  2. What is storage engine? why do we use it?
  3. Difference between memory and CSV in MySQL?
  4. When do you use session and cookies?
  5. List some errors in PHP?
  6. When will you get fatal error & give some example?
  7. Why do we get warnings? when it will be thrown?
  8. What is JSON?
  9. Difference between include_once and require_once?
  10. What is meant by Oops? What is Polymorphism?
  11. Difference between Abstract & Interface?
  12. What is meant by Doctype in HTML5?
  13. What is final class?
  14. What is Global and where do you use it?
  15. What is constructor & destructor?
  16. Is Multiple inheritance possible in PHP? If no, then what can use alternatively?
  17. What is cronjob? How many stars there and what does it mean? 
  18. Create file directory if not exist. 
  19. What is scope in PHP?
  20. What are the environment Variables?
  21. What is error reporting in PHP?
  22. Difference between PUT and POST
  23. Difference between array_merge() & array_combine()?
  24. Difference between protect and public?
  25. What is connection pooling?
  26. Difference between Delete & Truncate in MySQL?
  27. Define some of the Oops concepts.
  28. List some string and array functions?
  29. Libraries for creating web services?
  30. How do you track that session is enabled?
  31. Function for connecting DB?
  32. What is mysqli?
  33. List some basic commands & what is ch mod?
  34. Difference between require and include? requrie_once() & include_once() ?
  35. Types of inheritance?
  36. What is magic function / method?
  37. if you upload a big image file. how will you manage it? where will you mention the maximum size of uploading file and run-time?
  38. Difference between Group by & Order by?
  39. Difference between Single and double quote? Which on is faster?
  40. Javascript - How can you set window sizes?
  41. How many parameter can be passed in POST & GET?
  42. What is unlink and unset?
  43. How can you get current time in MySQL?
  44. Which will run first either javascript or PHP?
  45. Difference between left and right join?
  46. Difference between Primary and unique?
  47. what is index?
  48. How can you tune the Database performance?
  49. There is table with 200 rows. Select only duplicate rows?
  50. Difference between distinct & Group By? Which one is best?
  51. If i disable javascript in browser? what will you do?
  52. How can you redirect user usingHTML reidrect without JS & PHP?
  53. Where the session is been stored in server?
  54. Upload only specific rows to Excel from MySQL DB table?
  55. What is DOM? Is HTML DOM?
  56. Difference Between Div & Span?
  57. What is CURL? When can we use CURL?
  58. Linux DB backup command?
  59. How can you migrate MySQL DB to others in easy way?
  60. What POST & GET in CURL?

All the best for your interview. Cheers :)

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